What’s rattling your cage?
I thought the reactions in the VC camp to Jason Fried’s repost of a 6 year old article were rather interesting.
This looks like classic ad hominem fallacy, e.g. tweeting about bootstrapping is hypocritical because Twitter is a venture-backed platform, therefore whatever is actually being said is irrelevant.
37signals didn’t raise VC money and implying that iPhone was VC-backed because Apple raised some 30 years before seems far-fetched, to say the least.
Finally, Jason reposted from the blog of his company that has been in business for 15 years, with a good chance of being around for 15 more (Lindy effect).
When our ideology nerves are struck, often nonsense comes out in defense. We’re human after all.
I respect Benedict Evans and read his articles and newsletter. (I don’t follow Jackson, his or her tweet was promoted to me by Twitter.) Perhaps my interpretation is completely wrong. Still, the lesson I take is that it’s good to occasionally revisit and question our “unquestionably right” positions.
Yes, my company Rendered Text is proudly bootstrapped.